FVWM: Re: Fvwm and Scwm

From: <tma_at_nettest.dk>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:49:57 +0100

brian moore <bem_at_cmc.net> writes:

> I still find your presence here to be akin to the worms that move from
> MUD to MUD saying "come to Gizmo MUD, it's better than this one!"; or
> the people who wander into newsgroups to tell all the users of the
> GadgetOS that GizmoOS is better and they should format and install it now.

There are no need for that type of language on this list!!!!

> The post from Greg (who at least has been reading this list), followed
> by your "Oh, gosh, Greg, what a great idea, I agree with you fully!" chorus
> backing him up looks almost exactly like the above situations.

If anybody, like Eric S. Raymond, me and possibly others, like to
support some sort of merge between fvwm2 and scwm, then that is our
choice and not Maciej's or Gregs.

I can't talk for Eric or any other, but in my case I wanted to leave
fvwm anyway if it didn't include a new configuration languege very
soon. Maciej and Greg just provide me with something I wanted for some
time anyway.


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Received on Fri Jul 17 1998 - 10:55:33 BST

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