FVWM: Fwd: FVWM2 Question

From: A. van Werven <avwerven_at_wi.leidenuniv.nl>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1998 14:54:29 GMT

I found this question on news://comp.windows.x

Suggestions anyone ?

>How do I make FvwmButtons swallow FvwmWinList? I have tried
>*FvwmButtons(2x2) - whatever Swallow "FvwmWinList" Module FvwmWinList
>But that doesnot seem to be working. The FvwmWinList process appears to be
>running, but it simply does not show up in the Buttons Bar. Though I have
>no problem making the Buttons Bar swallow FvwmPager.
>Any help is most welcome.

A. van Werven
Dept. of Computer Science, Leiden University, The Netherlands
E-mail: avwerven_at_cs.leidenuniv.nl
URL: http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/~avwerven
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