Re: FVWM: Pager & other Questions

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: 23 Jun 1998 10:18:36 +0200

"Keven R. Pittsinger" <> writes:

> OK, I'm using 2.0.46 and XFCE 1.2.9. I got my pager working the way I want
> it, but it's in the lower left corner and I need it in the upper right. My
> screen is 1024x768 and the pertinent lines are:
> *FvwmPagerGeometry 1 1
> *FvwmPagerStartIconic

> What do I put in the geopetry to put it up in the upper right? Seems like
> every time I put a negative number in, the pager simply doesn't come up.

*FvwmPagerGeometry -1+1

-0+0 doesn't work with all versions of fvwm AFAIK.
> Also, XFCE seems to be stepping on my environment. Specifically, my
> NNTPSERVER variable. I need this active so I can pull binaries down off the
> net with slrn. Knews doesn't work for this purpose, I use it for my other
> readings. Any clues?

are you setting these variables from .login or .cshrc
and your fvwm is started from .xsession with another shell ?

Albrecht Kadlec
Vienna University of Technology / Department of Automation
You who wiped me from your memory just like a greasepaint mask -- Marillion
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