FVWM: Fruits!

From: Andre Bonhote <andre.bonhote_at_linux.ch>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 18:07:51 +0100

hi list!

you helped me so many times getting my fvwm2 to work like i want it to,
now i'd like to show you what i've done with your information.

if you like, you can get a screenshot here [1] and the corresponding
fvwm2rc here [2]. feedback would be nice, if you find the time.

on the screenshot, i especially like the different title colors. it took
some hours to get these running - see "some default decor" in this list.

one day i will cleanup the code, it's quite a mess now.

thanks all!


[1] http://www.problemlos.ch/screenshot.jpg
[2] http://www.problemlos.ch/fvwm2rc
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Received on Mon Mar 12 2001 - 11:08:11 GMT

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