FVWM: Re: Anyone want my FvwmTaskBar improvements?

From: Michael L. Raymer <raymermi_at_cps.msu.edu>
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 09:51:58 -0400 (EDT)

> I don't know about everybody else, but I think a far more useful
> property of a task bar would be one that only included iconized
> applications. If they aren't iconized, they are easy to find.

That's a good idea. Here's what I'll do -- I'll add an option
like *FvwmTaskBarShowWindows which can be set to "All", "CurrentDesk",
or "Iconized". "All" will be just like the current FvwmTaskBar module,
"CurrentDesk" will show only windows for the current desktop, and
"Iconized" will show only iconized windows.

When I'm done, I'll post the resulting module to this group. Thanks for
the input.


Michael L. Raymer
Depts. of Biochemistry and Computer Science
Michigan State University

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