FVWM: Minor problem 2.0.46

From: <gensch_at_zk3.dec.com>
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 11:25:28 -0400 (EDT)

I'm using Fvwm 2.0.46 on my Digital Unix system (a preliminary release
of Digital Unix 5.0).

In my .fvwm2rc file, I have the following Mouse lines:

        Mouse 1 T N Move-or-Maximize
        Mouse 1 FS N Resize-or-Raise

The functions called are described below:

        DestroyFunc "Move-or-Maximize"
        AddToFunc "Move-or-Maximize"
        + "I" Raise
        + "I" Focus
        + "M" Move
        + "D" MaximizeVert

        DestroyFunc "Resize-or-Raise"
        AddToFunc "Resize-or-Raise" \
          "I" Raise
        + "I" Focus
        + "M" Resize

My understanding is that this should allow me to do the following:

1. Mouse button 1 on the title bar will always raise and focus the
    window, and if the mouse moves, the window will be moved. On the
    other hand, if it is a double click, the "MaximizeVert" function
    will be called (which maximizes only in the vertical direction;
    function is not included here).

2. Mouse button 1 on a frame (the corners) or a side (the frame above
    the title bar and below the window) will raise and focus the
    window, and if the mouse moves, it will allow me to resize the

The problem occurs when I click on the title bar on a window that isn't
currently focused. Instead of getting running "Move-or-Maximize", fvwm
runs the "Resize-or-Raise" function. This doesn't happen if the window
already has the focus.

I can prevent the calling of the "Resize-or-Raise" function by removing
the "S" from the "FS" in the second Mouse line, but that prevents me
from being able to resize vertically or horizontally (I can only resize

My current workaround is that if I wish to move a window without the
focus, I will click on the window (to give it the focus), release the
mouse pointer, and immediately press it again. Fvwm then runs the
Move-or-Maximize function, which is what I want. It's an extra click,
though. And I STILL occasionally get caught with a window that resizes
when I really want to move it.

Is there a bug in fvwm's logic that makes it think a title bar on a
window without the focus is instead a window "side?" If this has been
reported before (I may have missed it on this mailing list, although I
have been reading it for a couple of years), is there a plan to fix it
in the (hopefully) upcoming 2.0.47?

(void) lar3ry();                                      gensch_at_zk3.dec.com
     "Sometimes it happens.  People just explode.  Natural causes."
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