Re: FVWM: Proposal on modules/languages

From: Nathan Froyd <>
Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 22:24:45 -0500

I couldn't really find another post I wanted to respond to, and didn't
feel like spawning a new thread, so here's my 2c on the current

1) FVWM is a pain to configure. So is any other X11 window manager.
Personally, I feel that the least offensive (besides the obvious choices
like wm2 and wmx) is actually TWM. The 'Decor' idea in FVWM is bloated
and very difficult to work properly with, IMHO. TWM offers more
per-window capability. However, since the trend seems to be swinging
toward an interpreted language, this TWM-style config file is out of the
question (unless someone feels a pressing need to work on it).

2) My vote for an interpreter would be Scheme. Tcl/Tk seems to have a
lot of problems with different versions. Python might be a good choice,
but since I have no experience, I would have to abstain. Please, let's
not munge Perl into the mix - I have nothing against Perl - but let's
leave Perl to do what it was designed to do. Another advantage to Scheme
(Guile, IMHO :) would be the ability to eliminate Decors (can anybody
tell I have a grunge match against Decors?)

(title-style-set! "Emacs" '(hgradient before, offering TWM
per-window syntax while retaining the power of FVWM.

FVWM is probably in need of an overhaul - there's a couple places in the
code that could definately use cleaning up. I vote we make a big push
toward a 'final' version (2.1 or whatever) and then start looking at

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