FVWM: swallowable xbuffy?

From: <cbebber_at_ecst.csuchico.edu>
Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 13:16:50 -0700

I was just wondering if there's a xbuffy out there anywhere (preferably in rpm
format) that's swallowable. I have numerous boxes to watch and currently
when GoodStuff swallows more than one xbuffy, it spits every occurance of
xbuffy after the first one out onto my desktop. I'm running fvwm-1.24r-13 and
xbuffy-3.3-1 and would appreciate any help available.

Best regards,


WWW: http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~cbebber
PGP: 768/2F9B4879  35 93 D1 42 D0 45 44 CB  E7 8F 64 37 FB FD 54 5C
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