Re: Tcl, fvwm, etc. (was Re: FVWM: Re: FvwmEvent ...)

From: Brady Montz <>
Date: 29 Apr 1998 10:50:39 -0700

Two comments:
1. I don't want fvwm to go down the road of some other projects where various
   people slap an interpreter for every language known to man in it (vim comes
   to mind). If we want to put an extension language in it, I think we should
   pick one and stick with it. I believe that multiple languages usually need
   be supported only because people are too lazy to learn a new language, or a
   mistake was made when choosing the first language supported.

2. I personally think tcl is a poor choice for such a job. Like perl, it never
   seemed (to me) properly suitable for large scale projects (although it's
   not nearly as write-only as perl is), and I'm sick of how every time a new
   tcl/tk release comes out I have to want 6 months for people to "port" their
   tcl apps to the new version (tkdesk for example). That just doesn't seem
   right. Languages I think would work would be scheme, python, or java. They
   all are multithreaded and I know that python and scheme work nicely
   embedded in C programs. I assume java does too. I would prefer scheme or
   python myself.

I think a cool way to do it would be to run the interpreter as a module,
requiring a much richer fvwm/module interface probably, and then have it
manage the the various modules people have written in that language. So it
would be completely feasable to support multiple language environments
simultaneously, as well as C modules which use this richer interface to do
cool things like draw menus and 3d titlebars and stuff.

 Brady Montz
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