Re: FVWM: fvwm95/winNT look and feel differences

From: Kendrick Vargas <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 22:40:44 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Frank Wilcox, Jr. wrote:

> On Apr 20, 18:45, David E. Brooks Jr wrote:
> > Subject: Re: FVWM: fvwm95/winNT look and feel differences
> > Irene's message reminded me of something I would very much like to be
> > able to do in FVWM: Duplicate the ALT+TAB behavior of Windows 95 as
> > much as possible.
> i, too, would love to have alt-tab ability...but am too new to fvwm to even
> attempt to implement it myself.
> > I could care less about looking like Windows 95--It's the functionality I'm
> > after.
> i'd take that one step further: the LAST thing i want is a win95 look-alike.
> while i'm on the subject: can i use fvwm2 in place of "program manager" (i
> don't think it's called that anymore, but i'll use it for lack of a better
> phrase) in win95? My Dad's buying me a computer. It's a really good buy,
> but as a consequence (sp?) i have to accept win95as the OS.

Well, if there's no way that you can install linux alongside the windows
95 installation, then use the following:

It's afterstep for windows 95. It replaces explorer (the wm) and uses less
or as-much memory depending on the settings.

You should really look into installing linux (one of the most popular
FREE unix-like operating systems systems available, and in most cases,
more advanced than commercial unices) on your computer. It is 32-bit true
multitasking, etc, etc... and runs on intel. You can get a Linux CD for as
little as $7 (including shipping) from ...

Once you install that, you can install any window manager you want.

--- BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK ------------+-----------
GAT d- s:+ !a C+(+++) UI/L/S/B++(+++) | "In the morning glad I see
P>+ L+(++) E---- W+++ N+ o? K? w++++ | My foe outstrech'd beneath the tree."
O--- M-- V PS+++_at_ PE Y-- PGP+ t++ 5 | -The Poison Tree
X++ R- tv+ b DI++ D+ G e>* h*(!) r- | William Blake
y*(+) ------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK -----+

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Received on Mon Apr 20 1998 - 21:41:11 BST

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