Re: FVWM: fvwm95/winNT look and feel differences

From: Michael M Han <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 16:26:47 -0700

Well, that's something that's always nagged at me as something I'd
like to be able to do. The trouble I've always seen is that fvwm's
keybindings don't seem to allow you to specify that it do something on
a keypress, react to other keypresses until it receives the release on
the key, and then finish up the binding... And in general, it might be
undesirable to specify that fvwm "watch" ALT keystrokes to see if it
catches a TAB... Though I suppose a different key could also be
used. I've always suspected that some fairly important parts of fvwm's
core would need to be changed to get it to emulate the Windows ALT-TAB

I'm not even sure that a module could do what's desired, unless the
module actually ran in the background looking for key events, the way
FvwmAuto works...

Incidentally, if you're trying to emulate the Windows behavior, it's
helpful to add:

Key Tab A SM Prev [*] Focus

That way you're not limited to just two windows...

>Irene's message reminded me of something I would very much like to be
>able to do in FVWM: Duplicate the ALT+TAB behavior of Windows 95 as
>much as possible. The closest I've been able to come is to specify
> Key Tab A M Next [*] Focus
>in my .fvwmrc (well, okay, .fvwm95rc, but the behavior seems to be the
>same in stock FVWM), but this only seems to alternate between the two
>most recent windows (most of the time, there are exceptions). It's
>close enough when I'm working with two windows, and something of a
>headache if a third window comes into play.
mike (
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