Re: FVWM: configure

From: joe <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 23:12:08 -0500

Frank Wilcox, Jr. wrote:

> i'm having no end of trouble configuring fvwm2 to my liking.
> Is manually editing .fvwm2rc the only way? <"please tell me there's an easier
> way. oh please. oh please...">

I had a lot of trouble at first too. What I ended up doing was to make a new
.fvwm2rc from scratch. You can look at the old one for reference as it contains
a lot of good documentation in itself. And in the man page of course..

It's better this way because then you don't have to scroll through that HUGE
default file to change stuff and it makes it easier to learn. At least it was
for me.


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