Re: FVWM: Mozilla & Fvwm 2.3.28

From: Shao Zhang <>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 13:22:13 +1100


Dominik Vogt [] wrote:
> It's your lucky day :-) I've just written the new styles
> KeepWindowGroupsOnDesk / ScatterWindowGroups which solve your
> problem. If you upgrade to current CVS code, the next snapshot or
> wait for 2.3.29, mozilla will work as you expext by default
> (unless you use the KeepWindowGroupsOnDesk style).

Thanks heaps for this. Really appreciated your help espeacially that this is not
the fvwm's fault.

I have tried the latest snapshort 20010228. The man pages have the new options
that you mentioned. I tried with this:
Style "Mozilla*" MiniIcon mini-nscape.xpm, ScatterWindowsGroups

But it still behaves the wrong way.

Step1: start mozilla on desk 0
Step2: on desk 0, press Ctrl-N to start another mozilla window
Step3: the seond mozilla window started on desk 0, use mouse to move to desk 1
Step4: on desk 1, press Ctrl-N to start another mozilla window. (It is still
going to be started on desk 0).

Thanks for any help in advance.


Shao Zhang                          Tel:  (02) 9209 4838
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Received on Wed Feb 28 2001 - 20:22:36 GMT

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