FVWM: Desktop picture colormaps

From: Mark Fardal <fardal_at_weka.phast.umass.edu>
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 17:20:47 -0500 (EST)


could someone tell me how to get a desktop picture working? I have an
8-bit .xpm image that I put in $HOME/.fvwm2/background.xpm. But when
I run the script setup-background, it says
  Couldn't allocate required colors
and does nothing. If I make the image black-and-white it works fine.
Is this the stupid X 256-entry colormap limitation rearing its head again?
(Earth to X: memory is much cheaper these days.) How many colors am
I allowed to have, and how do I truncate it down to that number if the
only imaging tool I have is xv?

Mark Fardal

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