FVWM: Short cuts

From: Jeremy Dinsel <dinselj_at_sighsy.cup.edu>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 10:27:25 -0500 (EST)

Is it possible to have shortcuts to applications on the fvwm desktop? To
my knowledge, it is only possible to have icons on the desktop that are
actively running. I would like a method for quick access to programs
through inactive icons that launch programs when double clicked
(unfortuantely, I can only compare it to micro-stuff desktop icons in

Jeremy Dinsel			   (PGP key: finger dinselj_at_sighsy.cup.edu )
				   (PGP key: http://sighsy.cup.edu/~dinselj)
   Cal U Math and Computer         (PGP use preferred)
   Science World Wide Web           
   System Administrator
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