FVWM: Edgescroll 0 0 problem!

From: (wrong string) ägg <me_at_ludd.luth.se>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 12:56:37 +0000

I'm currently using fvwm2-2.0.46-8 and I have previously (in old fvwm)
  EdgeScroll 0 0
  EdgeResistance 0 20
to disable edge scrolling except for moving/resizing windows.

This doesn't seem to work in my current version of fvwm, my windows
refuses to move across the screen edge. I haven't found any info on this
problem but noticed the following in the Changelog:

       36. Made window move paging match Edgescroll values instead of
           always doing full screens (should this be an option?)

Could this patch have to do with it? Is there a solution?


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Received on Tue Feb 24 1998 - 06:57:16 GMT

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