RE: FVWM: help swallowing prg in buttonbar...

From: Bob Woodside <>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 1998 00:29:33 -0500 (EST)

On 03-Feb-98 James Miller wrote:
> My second problem involves the number of desks I have. I want to have
> only one Desk and then DeskTopSize 3 3 or something else reasonable. I
> don't like not being able to drag windows around. I can't find where
> the desks are getting made to 4 in the .fvwm2rc.

        Quick Answer: Look for lines in menu definitions that look
something like

+ "Pager (2 desks)" Module FvwmPager 0 1

and change them all to specify "FvwmPager 0 0", so the pager only shows
1 desktop. Then find all the "*FvwmPagerblahblahblah" statements. You should
see "*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Some Title", "*FvwmPagerLabel 1 Another Title", etc.
Lose all but the first one (this step isn't really necessary, but it'll look
cleaner). Lastly, excise any functions that invoke a desktop switch, and any
StartsOnDesk Style definitions.

        The Truth: What I said above is really a lie. There is no
such thing as a fixed number of desktops - the desk is an arbitrary X
property that can be assigned to a window, and a window manager may be
gracious enough to do something useful with it. What we're doing above is
creating the appearance of having only one desktop, by removing any
references to multiple desktops from your .fvwm2rc.

        - Bob

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