Re: FVWM: viewport scroll lock

From: Richard Lister <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 12:03:18 -0500

On 12 Jan 1998 09:46:17 +0100
Kai Grossjohann <>
wrote concerning 'Re: FVWM: viewport scroll lock':
> >>>>> On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Michael Reeves said:
> Michael> I believe you've misunderstood the request. I'm not
> Michael> interested in just locking the page, I'm interested in
> Michael> locking the viewport (i.e. the area of the page currently
> Michael> being viewed).
> There are two different things: some PC graphics cards provide a way
> to have a desktop size that is greater than the physical screen
> dimensions, and when the mouse reaches the edge of the screen, they do
> scrolling (or "panning" as it is also called). And the second thing
> is that Fvwm provides for something similar.

I assume that you're using XFree86 or MetroX or some similar thing on
an Intel box. You can turn off the hardware scrolling using the 'Virtual'
command in your X server config file (probably /etc/X11/XF86Config or
Xconfig or something like that).

If your actual resolution is 1600x1200 then say
    Virtual 1600 1200
and so on (make sure it is in the correct "Display" section).

Then use fvwm's scrolling as described by a previous poster.


Richard J Lister, Georgetown Institute for Cognitive and Computational Sciences
Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20007, USA
Phone: +1 202-687 2878
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