Re: FVWM: ExitFunction?

From: larry gensch <>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:11:50 -0500 (EST)

> I have a shell script that a user wants to move her .forward file out
> of the way when she logs in, and move it back when she leaves.
> Simple enough; but she always logs in through X, and (of course) I
> don't want the script to run every time she closes a shell.
> I figured the answer was ExitFunction, since the man page says
> Fvwm also has a special exit function: ExitFunction, exe­
> cuted when exiting or restarting before actually quitting
> or anything else.
> But when I run the script, it has no effect. (The script works
> otherwise.) Initially I thought there might be an issue with
> ExitFunction passing arguments, but that doesn't seem to be the case,
> because there are no errors of any kind generated. Here's the call:
> AddToFunc ExitFunction "I" Exec /home/ajs/moveforward mvback-ni

Is her fvwm2 environment "session managed" (eg, is she running under a
session manager like KDE or GNOME)? If so, use the name
"SessionExitFunction" instead of "ExitFunction" or even better:

AddToFunc ExitFunction "I" Exec /home/ajs/moveforward mvback-ni
AddToFunc SessionExitFunction "I" ExitFunction

This will ensure that the ExitFunction is called in a regular or
session-managed environment.

Larry Gensch                                
               Working for COMPAQ for a twentieth of a century
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