FVWM: FvwmIconMan 1.0 tarball on ftp.cs.arizona.edu is bad

From: Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: 31 Dec 1997 13:59:49 -0700

How embarassing.

The FvwmIconMan-1.0.tar.gz file on ftp.cs.arizona.edu and www.cs.arizona.edu
until today was bad. It won't work with fvwm 2.0.46. This is because I didn't
incorporate changes made to FvwmIconMan when it was put into the distrubution
into my private source.

I've replaced that file with a new version.

 Brady Montz
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Received on Wed Dec 31 1997 - 15:00:08 GMT

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