FVWM: FvwmTaskBar with fvwm2

From: Neil Moore <amethyst_at_maxwell.ml.org>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 09:49:58 -0500

As a former fvwm95 user, I have been running the taskbar under fvwm2
for about a month now. This morning I finally decided that those
annoying little grey squares in place of MiniIcons were just too much,
and went looking through the FvwmTaskBar code to find the problem.
After a few minutes of comparing things with FvwmIconMan, I found the

Following is a patch to get FvwmTaskBar (as distributed with fvwm
2.0.46, under extras/) to do MiniIcons correctly. This may not apply
cleanly (I played around with the file a bit before copying off the
.orig), but you get the general idea:

--- fvwm-2.0.46/extras/FvwmTaskBar/FvwmTaskBar.c.orig Wed Dec 24 09:32:56 1997
+++ fvwm-2.0.46/extras/FvwmTaskBar/FvwmTaskBar.c Wed Dec 24 09:33:12 1997
_at_@ -367,8 +367,8 @@
   case M_MINI_ICON:
     if ((i = FindItem(&windows, body[0])) == -1) break;
     if (UpdateButton(&buttons, i, NULL, DONT_CARE) != -1) {
- p.picture = body[1];
- p.mask = body[2];
+ p.picture = body[6];
+ p.mask = body[7];
       p.width = body[3];
       p.height = body[4];
       p.depth = body[5];

-Neil Moore,                           http://www.sfhs.ml.org/~amethyst/
amethyst_at_maxwell.ml.org    Thring, LSLP, THEM, SuGARS, SGPCSSIAM, Faerie
http://www.sfhs.ml.org/cgi-bin/finger?amethyst for my Geek Code and JAPH
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Received on Wed Dec 24 1997 - 08:45:58 GMT

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