FVWM: focus problem with Next/Prev

From: Paul Fox <pgf_at_foxharp.boston.ma.us>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 20:52:26 -0500

until recently i was running fvwm2 version 2.0.45. a system upgrade
to redhat 7.0 brought me version 2.2.4, which seems (for my purposes)
to be a transparent upgrade, except for one thing.

i use the Circulate functionality a lot. i include the following lines
in .fvwm2rc to give myself a ring of windows, accessible with function

    Key F1 A N Next [!iconic CurrentDesk] Focus
    Key F2 A N Prev [!iconic CurrentDesk] Focus

this worked fine in the older version, but after the upgrade, i
find that "circulating" to a window gives it focus, but no longer
raises it -- in fact, it will happily grant focus to a window that is
left completely obscured.

reading the man page, it sounds like the "Focus" argument _should_ be
raising the window for me ("Raises the window if needed to make it
visible."), so i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. since this all
worked in a previous version, i guess it must be due to some other,
conflicting, behavior that changed and which is also enabled in my
.fvwm2rc file.

any ideas on where or how to look?

 paul fox, pgf_at_foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 29.5 degrees)
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Received on Mon Feb 19 2001 - 19:52:12 GMT

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