FVWM: Revisiting I have been lurking this list...

From: Jason Wells <jcwells_at_u.washington.edu>
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 1997 20:21:10 +0000

Wow! What a response. I feel that I should give some feedback and some

I am from Mr. Galbraith's school of thought. I filter email via the address
using Eudora. (Yes windows... I have not researched X mail clients yet.)
The subject header is not significant to my automatic filtering method. I
now realize that the subject is important to the filtering method of others.

I am currently subscibed to eight lists. Now that you (Jason Tibbits)
mention it, I have seen this subject header thing before on non-interactive
lists such as the EFF list. This is nice in that it tells you the context
of the message though you already know it is EFF's newsletter. EFF can use
different 'automated' subject header prefixes as needed for different
context. In my case ALL EFF email goes in the same folder any way.

I guess that I only now found it annoying because this is the first
interactive list that I have seen this on. Interacitvity results in Re:
FVWM: yada yada. The primary complaint is just some strange quirk of my
brain saying, "That is just icky." KINDA THAT SAME WAY THAT ALL CAPS CHAFES

Please understand that I did not intend to pitch a fit. I am just aprising
myself of the customs of this particular online community. Certainly, If
the community did request this than it must be good for the whole.

Sorry for the tussle,
Jason Wells
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Received on Mon Dec 08 1997 - 14:21:46 GMT

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