FVWM: occasional SloppyFocus mis-focus

From: Andrew Pimlott <andrew_at_pimlott.ne.mediaone.net>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 18:12:58 -0500

I have a problem that I can't reproduce, but it's driving me crazy,
so I post in hopes that someone can offer a hint.

I use SloppyFocus, and on one computer I occasionally (perhaps once
a day) find that the mouse is in a window, but that window doesn't
have focus. Sometimes (I think), the focus remains flaky for a few
more window transitions (ie, as I wave the pointer around in
frustration, trying to regain control of focus), and then returns to
normal. Sometimes the failure happens after mouse movement into the
new window, sometimes after switching pages in the virtual desktop
(via keyboard shortcut) such that the mouse lands in a new window.
The problem happens very infrequently, so my recollections of the
occurances are fuzzy (and above details may be mistaken). I have
never reproduced the problem intentionally. Has anyone else seen

This seems only to happen on one computer (I have used the same
setup on two others for years, and I don't recall ever seeing it
there). I am using roughly, but not exactly, the same software
versions on all three (the problem machine is running Debian
"testing" as of a few weeks ago, the others Debian "stable"; exact
software versions below). The other difference is that this machine
has small personal hacks to the mouse handling in XFree86 and gpm,
which I highly doubt could cause this, but would like to rule out
(because I intend to submit them to the maintainers). I will try to
reproduce the problem without my hacks next time I start X.

I am using
- Debian testing
- fvwm 2.2.4, with the following config entry setting my focus model
    Style "*" SloppyFocus,ActivePlacement,DumbPlacement,NoPPosition
- XFree86 3.3.6, framebuffer server
- gpm 1.17.8 repeating an IMPS/2 mouse to X as an IntelliMouse (this
  repeater mode is a Debian patch)
- Linux kernel 2.2.19pre7, x86

Thanks for any clues,

PS. Please Cc: me on any replies.
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Received on Tue Feb 13 2001 - 17:12:44 GMT

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