FVWM: fvwm enhancements

From: <Benoit.B.M.MAGNERON_at_AIRSYS.thomson.fr>
Date: 14 Nov 1997 16:49:26 +0100

Question about FVWM capabilities on Unix station :

-I have the following requirement from a customer :

-My application displays a large window on the top of the screen. This
window haves its width equal to the screen width and the height corresponding
to 20% of the screen height. It gives in real time operational information
on system to the user, so this window cannot be moved by him, and no windows
from other applications can overlap it or can be overlapped by it.

-In other words, the screen must have two zones, the first zone is
for the large window of my application, this window cannot be moved and the
second zone is reserved for the other application windows which can be moved
but not into the first zone.

-I intend to use the FVWM window manager (version 2.0.41) but I think
this functionnality does not exist in this version, so I have to implement
modifications to satisfy this requirement.

-I would be grateful if you can give me some indication on how introduce
this functionnality in the code of Fvwm or is there any further version which
implement it.

                       Thanks a lot for anybody who can help me.

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Received on Fri Nov 14 1997 - 09:48:41 GMT

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