FVWM: FvwmButtons Swallow with Title on Side

From: Pete Forman <gsez020_at_compo.bedford.waii.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 10:47:20 GMT

I'm trying to get FvwmButtons to handle xbiff running on four
machines. I have made small shaped icons and would like it to appear
like this:

    [X] Machine1
    [X] Machine2
    [X] Machine3
    [X] Machine4

where [X] is the swallowed xbiff.

When the xbiff gets swallowed, it is centered in its button and the
title disappears. If I don't use Title (Side), then the title
correctly moves down under the xbiff when it is swallowed.

This part of my .fvwm2rc illustrates some things that I've tried. In
this mail there is an extra newline before each "'Exec".

*FvwmButtonsColumns 1
*FvwmButtons (Size 96 32, Title COMPO, Swallow (NoHints) Compo
    'Exec remsh compo xbiff -name Compo -display $DISPLAY &')
*FvwmButtons (Title (Side Left) MANDY, Swallow (Hints) Mandy
    'Exec remsh mandy xbiff -name Mandy -display $DISPLAY &')
*FvwmButtons (Title (Right Side) MISS, Swallow (NoHints) Miss
    'Exec remsh miss xbiff -name Miss -display $DISPLAY &')
*FvwmButtons (Title (Side) NEMO, Swallow (NoHints) Nemo
    'Exec remsh nemo xbiff -name Nemo -display $DISPLAY &')

Version is FvwmButtons.c v2.0.41-plural-Z-alpha as distributed with
fvwm 2.0.46.
Pete Forman
Western Geophysical
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