FVWM: wandering scope

From: Guido Notari <guido.notari_at_jrc.it>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 10:24:04 +0100

These are two messages from comp.os.linux.development.apps:


RHS Linux User <bknox_at_pathfinder.markelcorp.com> wrote:
>remotely over a network! How about that one? Or maybe...
>Windows has stupid windows that take control of the interface
>shifting focus to them until you answer the dialogue, no
>matter what you were doing at the time!

This is the one thing that has universally annoyed the heck out of me
on every windowing system I've ever used. X, Windows, Mac, OS/2. I
sometimes wonder if one of the requirements for admission to the
Brotherhood of Windowing System Designers is a pledge to do this
as part of some dispute with the Ancient Order of People Who Can
Type Without Looking at Their Screen. Under no circumstances
whatsoever should a windowing system allow the keyboard focus to
move other than as the result of explict user action. If, for some
reason, something absolutely needs to grab the users attention and
ask for keyboard input, it should, after stealing the keyboard, ignore
input until the user takes some special action to acknowledge that
the user has noticed that the focus has changed.

--Tim Smith


A long time ago, in a land far away,
tzs_at_halcyon.com (Tim Smith) wrote:
> RHS Linux User <bknox_at_pathfinder.markelcorp.com> wrote:
> Type Without Looking at Their Screen. Under no circumstances
> whatsoever should a windowing system allow the keyboard focus to
> move other than as the result of explict user action. If, for some

That is up to the window manager. Most window managers for X allow you
to set it however you like.



I do type watching my screen, but I am of the very opinion of the first
The keyboard focus should *not* move.

I don't know of any mean to obtain this result in fvwm2. Even the
SkipMapping style keeps my desktop from changing to Desk 3 when Netscape
is started, but doesn't prevent it from stealing keyboard focus.
This is only one of many examples.

Could a feature like that be implemented?
I think this would be a really nice touch.


    |\      _,,,---,,_     Guido Notari (EC Joint Research Centre, Ispra site)
zz  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_  postal:  TP 210,  JRC,  21020 Ispra (VA),  Italia
   |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-' tel: +39 332 785528    fax: +39 332 785813
  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)    
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Received on Fri Oct 31 1997 - 03:24:28 GMT

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