FVWM: transient popups beneath my StaysOnTop

From: Michael M Han <han_at_windy.ckm.ucsf.edu>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 23:01:43 -0700

I've noticed something a bit odd about Fvwm2. A small number of my
windows are Style'd StaysOnTop. An even smaller number of those popup
the occassional transient window, like a menu. In particular, my
FvwmButtons Swallow's a procmeter and an FvwmPager with the Balloons
patch. The first time one of these windows is popped up (i.e., the
first time Balloons pops up a balloon hint while I mouse about my
Pager or if I click my procmeter menu to select different things to
monitor) before the focus changes, the popup appears beneath my
StaysOnTop FvwmButtons.

This is very strange to me. Back when I was using Style "*" MouseFocus
and FvwmAuto I thought it was a strange side effect of that, but I
recently switched to Style "*" ClickToFocus with no FvwmAuto and I'm
still seeing this happen. I also thought that perhaps twiddling
"GlobalOpts ClickToFocusDoesntRaise" and "GlobalOpts
ClickToFocusDoesntPassClick" would fix things, but that's also failed.
At this point I'm at a bit of a loss to explain what's happening. It
just dawned on me to watch xev while I duplicated my problem. Here's
what I see in xev:

Mouse passes into FvwmPager over a window:
> VisibilityNotify event, serial 16, synthetic NO, window 0x5000001,
> state VisibilityPartiallyObscured
Balloon pops up but beneath the FvwmButtons.

Mouse leaves window w/o leaving FvwmPager:
> VisibilityNotify event, serial 16, synthetic NO, window 0x5000001,
> state VisibilityUnobscured
> Expose event, serial 16, synthetic NO, window 0x5000001,
> (0,109), width 136, height 16, count 0
Balloon disappears.

Mouse reenters window in FvwmPager:
> VisibilityNotify event, serial 16, synthetic NO, window 0x5000001,
> state VisibilityPartiallyObscured
Balloon pops back up, now correctly above the FvwmButtons.

Unfortunately I can't see anything happening when I click the
procmeter menu. So this has me fairly confused, though not terribly
bothered. It's more a matter of idle curiosity than anything else.

This is happening on my machine with RedHat 4.1 installed, with a
2.0.30 kernel, Accelerated-X 2.1 and fvwm-2.0.46 which I compiled.
Windows are not only StaysOnTop, but Sticky also, though some checking
indicates that the problem is StaysOnTop rather than Sticky. I just
noticed the same behavior for the xterm popup VT menus when Style
"XTerm" StaysOnTop is set. Relevant portions of my rc file are at the

Anyway, if anyone has any insight into what I'm seeing here, please
let me know. Thanks so much.
Michael Han (han_at_library.ucsf.edu) voice: (415) 502-7542
Interactive Learning Center Consultant (415) 476-4309
San Francisco, California 94143-0840 fax: (415) 476-4653
Why do we still live here in this repulsive town? All our friends are in New
York." Stephen Merritt

>From my .fvwm2rc
Style "*" UseDecor Bronze, ForeColor black, BackColor AntiqueWhite4, \
                BorderWidth 6, HandleWidth 6, Button 1, Button 2, Button 4, \
                MWMFunctions, HintOverride, MWMDecor, MWMButtons, \
                RandomPlacement, SmartPlacement, NoPPosition, DecorateTransient,\
                IconBox 80 1 160 -1, Icon unknown1.xpm, MiniIcon diamond.xpm, \

Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, BorderWidth 0, \
                WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, StaysOnTop, \
                Icon fvwm.xpm


*FvwmButtons(1x7, Padding 4 4, Frame 2, Container \
        (Padding 0 0, Frame -2, Columns 1))
        *FvwmButtons(Swallow procmeter "Exec procmeter -force-spkt -vertical \
        cpu load mem-free mem-swap spkt" )
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Received on Tue Oct 21 1997 - 00:57:09 BST

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