FVWM: FvwmWharf questions

From: Craig A. Lemon <calemon_at_uplink.on.ca>
Date: 15 Oct 1997 09:20:39 -0400

        Hi all, I decided to give FvwmWharf a swing since I really
like fvwm but could use Wharf/Doc functionality in a big way. (I use
FvwmButtons now, but a wharf would be much better for me efficiency-wise).
I've noticed a couple of things. First of all it seems to like to print only
the first icon in a folder and just black for the rest. Sometimes it will show
the other icons properly if you select one of the other ones (black void)

        Another disadvantage I noticed is that although it's able to do nifty
gradient fills in the transparent portions of XPMs, it's unable to throw
a bit of text at the bottom like FvwmButtons. This is really important to
me since a lot of the stuff in the bar is ssh's to different machines as
different users (myself, uucp, news etc...) it doesn't warrant drawing
new icons for every single session. Are there any plans whatsoever to
continue/restart FvwmWharf development? Are there any patches out there?
Is the black-void problem a known bug?

 Craig A. Lemon    VE3XCL       | University of Waterloo
   calemon_at_uplink.on.ca		| Electrical Engineering
   http://www.net/~calemon/	|     Class of 1997
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Received on Wed Oct 15 1997 - 08:20:53 BST

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