Re: FVWM: Fvwm or Fvwm95 ?

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 14 Oct 1997 13:46:36 +0200

>>>>> On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Richard Allen said:

  Rikki> Hence the following question... Where can I get my hands on
  Rikki> fvwm2rc's that propperly emulate the 95 look and feel ?

It seems that no-one has an answer that works out of the box.
Therefore, I contribute my part -- I like fvwm to look but not feel
like Win95. I achieve the look with the following lines in .fvwmrc:

| TitleStyle LeftJustified ActiveUp (Solid midnightblue -- flat) \
| ActiveDown (Solid midnightblue -- flat) \
| Inactive (Solid lightgrey -- flat)
| BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles, NoInset
| ButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon -- UseTitleStyle flat
| ButtonStyle 2 Pixmap win95-maximize-full.xpm -- UseTitleStyle flat
| ButtonStyle 4 Pixmap win95-minimize-full.xpm -- UseTitleStyle flat
| HilightColor lightgrey grey45
| MenuStyle black lightgrey slategrey -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1 mwm
| Style "*" Color black/grey

As I don't really use Win95 I'm not sure if it's close enough. But
you can surely tweak it. You might need to snarf the win95-*.xpm
thingies from Fvwm95.

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Received on Tue Oct 14 1997 - 06:46:57 BST

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