FVWM: 2.0.46, FvwmTaskBar

From: Bruce Stephens <B.Stephens_at_isode.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 11:46:22 +0100

Potentially nice module, but it doesn't seem quite ready for serious use yet
(in fvwm2 anyway; works fine in fvwm95 at home). With the patches recently
posted, it works a bit better, but still seems to soak up cpu time. I suspect
it's going into a busy wait somewhere. "Close"ing it also doesn't cause it to
die, which is incorrect behaviour: the window disappears, but the process
continues, taking up 80% or so of cpu time.

Something like this would be nice. In particular, its ability to hide itself
and reappear when the pointer goes near is a nice way of conserving screen
space. I want something like an icon box which should be easily available,
but don't want to have a real iconman with StaysOnTop or something;
FvwmTaskBar promises to be just the thing, once it's fixed to work with fvwm2.
 Don't care about the Start menu---that seems utterly superfluous. Perhaps
the same thing would be good for FvwmButtons?

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Received on Tue Aug 26 1997 - 05:47:12 BST

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