FVWM: Re: clipboard and restarting

From: Bob Woodside <woodsy_at_us.ibm.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 11:45:32 -0400

On Sun, 17 Aug 1997 11:15:55 +0200
Linux-Debian Team <cube_at_wigner.cstc.org> wrote:

> while highlighting text (that is copying window buffer to the
> clipboard) in xterm, I cannot scroll the window to go beyond
> its borders.

 This is not a window manager issue; it's the way xterm
and its descendants work. If you're trying to capture the output
of a simple command line utility like, say, ps, and you're not
getting line wrap, the saved lines in the buffer are truncated
at the window border. This works the same under mwm, twm, or any
other wm. Resize the window to a greater width, and you'll see
that there's nothing there to scroll to. (If you want to get really annoyed,
shrink the window to something narrower than the original size,
then stretch it again and see what xterm has done.)

> - restarting fvwm2
> windows that have been set sticky, do not preserve
> their status as fvwm has been restarted during the same
> session.

 Think about what "restart" means for a moment. It
doesn't mean "restore my current state" (a meaningless
concept: I'm already *in* my current state); it means
"reset your state to a predictable set of *initial*
values". Ergo, it's not reasonable to expect that some
things will not get reset.

> while windows preserve their page-position within their
> desktop, a window that has been moved to a next desktop
> does not recover the change, after restarting fvwm2.
> At the restart, windows return to the desktop where they
> had been created from.

 Only those windows for which you specified a
StartsOnDesk style. Fvwm initialization attempts to capture
all the information it can about the state of existing
windows, then applies whatever initial style information
you specified in your fvwm2rc.

 That said, we often want the unreasonable, and
it's inconvenient to lose parts of your current state if you just
wanted to restart after, say, adding a new menu item to your
fvwm2rc. There is a SaveDesktop feature that uses a module
to save as much info as it can about your current desktop
state in a secondary rc file that fvwm can read at startup/restart.
I never use it, so I can't speak to its effectiveness, but you
might want to look into that. Perhaps someone else can
comment on how useful it might be.

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Received on Tue Aug 19 1997 - 10:42:30 BST

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