Re: FVWM: FvwmGeom module

From: Brady Montz <>
Date: 18 Aug 1997 14:46:40 -0700

Elad Eyal <> writes:

> Good morning,
> I've searched and searched... there really is no way for a module
> to get a window's aspect ratio from fvwm, is there? Can anyone tip me of
> how to get this information from the client itself?
> I actually think I've written something useful here. (First time
> for everything). The rubberband now complies to size constraints (except
> the aspect ratio, which is a shame). And I even think I found a decent
> solution to interpreting the mouse buttons pushed. Next step is certainly
> trying to add keyboard shortcuts, and maybe a Position window like Fvwm's.
> However, I've still didn't figure out a good use to mouse button 3. Since
> this is (currently) a resize/move module, it won't be very useful to allow
> iconifing or randomplacement... would it?
> If you want to test it (please do):
> (8K including manpage!)
> _
> (_ / _ / ( E-mail pigeons nest in binary trees )
> (__/__(/\_(/

Since I haven't downloaded the module, I may be totally off base, but the
"I've still didn't figure out a good use to mouse button 3" sentence makes me

You shouldn't hardcode which button does what. If you are going to add
keyboard shortcuts then you'll need a way to bind commands (represented as
ASCII strings) to events (again ASCII) anyway, so you might as well support
the full fvwm "Key" and "Mouse" syntax. That's what I did for FvwmIconMan, and
it was pretty easy. You just need to rip some code out of fvwm to parse things
(or take it pre-ripped from FvwmIconMan). I can't think of any other module
off the top of my head which really allows keyboard shortcuts.

The best thing to do is come up with a list of things you could possible do,
and let the user bind them to whichever mouse/key events he wants. It's a good
way of dealing with people who want you to add features that you personally
will never use. Just add the command and forget about it.

 Brady Montz
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Received on Mon Aug 18 1997 - 16:47:01 BST

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