Re: FVWM: Key Binding

From: Andrew J Cosgriff <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 13:25:19 +1000

>>>>> "Broc" == Broc Stirton <> writes:

Adam> and how can i use my WIN95 keys ? <g>

ajc> Use xmodmap to give them a keysym, and go from there.
ajc> I used to use the "window" key for compose, and the "menu" one as a
ajc> sort of replacement for "Front", which I missed from when I used Suns :)

Broc> I haven't used Suns before. What does the "Front" key do?

olwm / olvwm would use it to do the equivalent (in FVWM) of a Raise
(or maybe a RaiseLower)

There's also an "Open" key which would (de/)iconify a window. Both
quite useful.

 - Andrew J Cosgriff -                 R.I.P. William S. Burroughs, 1997-08-02
    "We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside" (KMFDM)
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