RE: FVWM: kde2 support multihead? XFree86v4.? support multihead?

From: Kendrick Vargas <>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 12:51:36 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Peter Bismuti wrote:

> Interesting. This sounds more like "xinema"(?) than multihead. With
> multihead the screens are divided meaning youn't share windows or drag them
> across monitors but you can drag-n-click between them.
> I have multiple video cards with one monitor per card. I wonder if this
> works with XFree86V4.0.

yes, xinerama makes both monitors look like one big one. And yes, it's
from XFree 4.

> What window manager is he using? Is he running KDE?

yes... in the message I mention GNOME with Fvwm2 CVS-snapshot.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kendrick Vargas
> To: Peter Bismuti
> Cc: ''
> Sent: 2/2/01 2:45 PM
> Subject: Re: FVWM: kde2 support multihead? XFree86v4.? support multihead?
> On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Peter Bismuti wrote:
> > I just heard a rumor that kde2 supports multihead configurations. Can
> > anyone confirm or deny this? If this is true it makes it even more
> > desirable that fvwm become kde2 compliant since my understanding is
> that
> > gnome still cannot support multihead.
> >
> > I also heard that Xfree86V4.? will support multihead. I use
> AcceleratedX
> > now, if this is true I may an interested to see the two will compare.
> My boss is running RedHat 7, and he purchased himself the Matrox G450
> (dual-head). He got it set up just fine, X shows it as one continuous
> screen. Therefore whatever window manager you run doesn't know it's two
> physically different screens. He's got gnome setup with some Fvwm2 cvs
> snapshot as the window manager. Works quite well. This is with XFree
> 4.0.something (whatever RedHat 7 ships with).
> -peace
> --- BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK ----------+----------
> GAT d- s:+ !a C++$ UL/S/I/B++++$ P+ | "In the ongoing battle between
> objects
> L++ E- W+(+++) N K- w(---) O-- M_at_ | made of aluminum going hundreds
> of
> V(--) PS+++ PE Y+ PGP_at_ t++ 5 X+ R- | miles per hour and the ground
> going
> tv+ b- DI++++ D+(+++) G e>++ h--- | zero, the ground has yet to
> lose."
> r++ z+>+++ - END GEEK CODE BLOCK ---+
> --
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--- BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK ----------+----------
GAT d- s:+ !a C++$ UL/S/I/B++++$ P+ | "In the ongoing battle between objects
L++ E- W+(+++) N K- w(---) O-- M_at_ | made of aluminum going hundreds of
V(--) PS+++ PE Y+ PGP_at_ t++ 5 X+ R- | miles per hour and the ground going
tv+ b- DI++++ D+(+++) G e>++ h--- | zero, the ground has yet to lose."
r++ z+>+++ - END GEEK CODE BLOCK ---+

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Received on Sat Feb 03 2001 - 11:51:14 GMT

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