Re: FVWM: cannot see icons

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2001 11:08:09 -0500

Nancy Davis <> writes:
> > I tried your config file and it works fine for me. As Dan
> > explained, the box with your pager, xbiff, the clock etc. is the
> > FvwmButtons module.
> The problem appears to be in the color depth in my X configuration,
> not anything to do with fvwm itself.
> > Normally, before an application is started and swallowed by the
> > button bar, the place where the app. will show up looks flat. As
> > soon as the application is swallowed, the button will be drawn
> > with a 3d relief. What of these two can you see? Is xbiff started
> > at all (look at the running processes with ps)? Does any error
> > message show up on the console?
> The place where the app should be is flat.
> Haven't had a chance yet to re-configure the display parameters
> in X. You don't happen to have a good reference on that, perchance?

You might try:

 startx -- -bpp 16

(Also try 24, and 32).

If that doesn't help,
since you are running NETBSD using XFree86 3.3.6,
you want to try to pick either 16,24, or 32 bit resolution using
XF86Setup or xf86config.

It might help to go to and read thru the FAQ.

Dan Espen
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214           E-mail:
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Received on Sat Feb 03 2001 - 10:12:18 GMT

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