Re: FVWM: New FVWM config samples page

From: Brady Montz <>
Date: 04 Aug 1997 09:34:07 -0700

Chris Rode <> writes:

> As promised, I've put together a page with a collection of various
> fvwm2rc files with descriptions and screenshots. Feel free to pay it a
> visit, and send any comments, etc. my way, if you like. Also, I'm still
> soliciting contributions -- You'll find what I'm looking for on the
> page.
> THe URL is:
> --chris.
> --

Cool page.

Another suggestion: part the coolness with fvwm is the modules. And much of
the newbie problems I've seen comes from not know about some modules (like
FvwmPager) or not being able to understand everything that the module offers
(FvwmButtons or FvwmIconMan or FvwmM4 or ...). I think it would
be cool if you could list for each config which modules it uses.

If you get enough config files, then it might be useful to even have the rc's
cross referenced by which fvwm features they use (clicktofocus, icons, xpm's,
gradients, funky M4 commands, etc).

Once you have such a list, then the thing to do is solicit rc's which fill in
gaps. You should have at least one rc for every module and major fvwm

 Brady Montz
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