Re: FVWM: Are pie-shaped menus feasible?

From: Larry Gensch <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 09:01:03 -0400 (EDT)

On 9 Jul, William Denton wrote:

> Last weekend I was fooling around with fvwm and quit out of it twice,
> when all I'd wanted to do was restart it - the two options are very
> close in my menu. If I could go "click - whoosh it left and up -
> click" or "click - straight down for Emacs - click," I think I'd get
> used to the angles very quickly.

The problem isn't the shape of the menu, but what happens when you
make that selection. For example, in fvwm2, a "restart" operation may
end up causing the screen to flicker as the applications get
reparented, but it's mostly harmless. (Well, it DOES have the side
effect of exiting all your modules, but if you have them set up in your
RestartFuction, all is not lost.) Quitting fvwm2 (especially if fvwm2
is your "main" session) is much more severe... it can cause you to exit
your applications.

So, even if "Restart" and "Quit" are close to each other, there should
be different feedback for a potentially harmful operation like "Quit".

So, in my .fvwm2rc, I have a root menu something like this (minimalized
to show the point):

DestroyMenu "RootMenu"
AddToMenu "RootMenu"
+ "Root Menu" Title
+ "Xterm%mini.xterm.xpm%" Exec xterm &
+ "Applications%mini-x2.xpm%" Popup Applications
+ "" Nop
+ "Shuffle Up%mini-raise.xpm%" CirculateUp
+ "Shuffle Down%mini-lower.xpm%" CirculateDown
+ "Refresh%mini-ray.xpm%" Refresh
+ "" Nop
+ "Restart fvwm2%mini.fvwm.xpm%" Restart fvwm2
+ "Exit fvwm2...%mini.exit.xpm%" Module FvwmForm QuitVerify

*QuitVerifyFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*QuitVerifyButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*QuitVerifyFore Black
*QuitVerifyBack Gray60
*QuitVerifyItemFore Black
*QuitVerifyItemBack Gray60
*QuitVerifyCommand Beep
*QuitVerifyLine center
*QuitVerifyText "Do you really want to quit?"
*QuitVerifyLine expand
*QuitVerifyButton quit "Yes" ^M
*QuitVerifyCommand Quit
*QuitVerifyButton quit "No" ^[
*QuitVerifyCommand Nop

Style "QuitVerify" NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 8

Thus, when you select the "wrong" menu item (Exit Fvwm...), instead of
mindlessly exiting the window manager, a verification window is put
up, requesting confirmation of the operation.

Now, I know that my response to your message doesn't have anything to
do with "pie menus" or whatever, but it shows that even with the
existing menu structure, it is possible to minimize the amount of
damage done if you hit the "wrong" entry by accident.

(void) lar3ry();                            
     "Sometimes it happens.  People just explode.  Natural causes."
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