FVWM: fvwm2 crash using Wabi...

From: Mohammed Iqbal (VLSI Subsystems) <"Mohammed>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 1997 12:33:05 +0100


I've been using fvwm2 in my previous company very happily running on
Pentium via Exceed Unix emulation software. I've joined Nortel Semi and
have started running fvwm2 on Sun workstation 10.

Although everything else is working fine both myself and colleagues have
come across one lethal bug/ problem and that is whenever we run Wabi the
fvwm2 wm crashes with an error message "Broke Pipe".

Wabi is Windows Application Binary Interface from Sun Microsystems and
provides execution of Micrsoft Windows 3.1 on Sun Workstations. Wabi is
valuable free software for users wanting to run Microsoft Office and
other Windows 3.1 Applications.

Does any one know of any work-arounds/ fixes.

Machine/ Env details:

o Machine: SunOS bhars53f 5.5.1 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
o Running Openwindow X server under SunOS
o fvwm version 2.0.45
o compiled on the above machine using
/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-sunos4.1.2/2.6.3/specs gcc version
o The Imake file attached for your info

I have RTFM'd and haven't found any mention of Broken Pipes or wabi

Thanks & Regards,
Mohammed Iqbal, Principal VLSI CAD Eng. (01279-403897; miq_at_nortel.co.uk)
Nortel Semiconductors, VLSI Subsystems, London Rd, Harlow Essex CM17 9NA

 * Fvwm Imake template
 * Edit this file to change compile time defaults and options

#ifndef XCOMM
#define XCOMM #

XCOMM Fvwm.tmpl
XCOMM Template file for Fvwm

 * #define RenameFVWM2
 * If you want to install both fvwm 1.xx and fvwm 2.xx concurently, specify
 * #define RenameFVWM2. Otherwise, comment out the following line.
 * This will affect the name of the "fvwm" binary, library, and manual.
#define RenameFVWM2

 * #define FvwmCompiler
 * #define FvwmCompilerFlags
 * To force a certain compiler and/or flags to be used to compile Fvwm.
 * Commonly used to force gcc to be used instead of your normal compiler
 * and/or flags that Imake would use. If your Imake setup is ok, you
 * shouldn't need to set these.
#define FvwmCompiler gcc
/* #define FvwmCompilerFlags -g -Wall */

 * Where to search for the fvwm icons.
 * Define this if you want a different search path from the default which is
 * the `bitmaps' and `pixmaps' directories beneath the X include directory.
 * Note that you have to escape the ':' with a '\' otherwise make gets
 * confused, and make sure you don't have any spaces in there.

/* #define FvwmIconPath /usr/include/X11/bitmaps\:/usr/include/X11/pixmaps */

 * #define HasXpm
 * If you want color icons, define HasXpm as YES, and get libXpm from
 * sunsite.unc.edu (precompiled for Linux), or the source from
 * ftp.x.org. If you want more color icons in addition to the ones
 * included in the fvwm package, check out the ctwm distribution,
 * which has lots of nice color icons.
 * For monochrome, Xpm icons still work, but they're only better than regular
 * bitmaps because they're shaped (if you specify #define SHAPE).
 * If Xpm is not installed with the rest of your X, set XpmLibs and
 * XpmIncs to the paths where the library and include files are located.
#define HasXpm NO /* YES */
/* #define XpmLibs -L/usr/local/lib */
/* #define XpmIncs -I/usr/local/include */

 * #define HasRPlay
 * To add builtin support for the rplay library. Also make sure that the
 * include and lib settings are correct for your rplay installation.
 * This currently only effects the FvwmAudio module.
#define HasRPlay NO /* YES */
#define AudioLibs -L/usr/local/lib
#define AudioIncs -I/usr/local/include

 * InstallSample
 * Set this to NO If you would not like sample.fvwmrc/system.fvwmrc to be
 * installed.
 * You probably want this if you have a modified FVWMDIR/FVWMRC.
#define InstallSample YES

 * InstallUtils
 * Set this to YES if you would like the programs in the utils directory
 * installed.
#define InstallUtils NO

 * InstallLibs
 * Set this to YES if you would like libfvwm2.a to be installed.
#define InstallLibs NO

 * Pick and mix your desired options from this list and add them to
 * Totally disables motif applications ability to have modal dialogs.
 * Use with care.
 * Tells the WM not to request save unders for pop-up
 * menus. A quick test using monochrome X11 shows that save
 * unders cost about 4Kbytes RAM, but saves a lot of
 * window redraws if you have windows that take a while
 * to refresh. For xcolor, I assume the cost is more like
 * 4Kbytesx8 = 32kbytes (256 color).
 * If you want the Shaped window extensions.
 * Shaped window extensions seem to increase the window managers RSS
 * by about 60 Kbytes. They provide for leaving a title-bar on the window
 * without a border.
 * If you don't use shaped window extension, you can either make your
 * shaped windows undecorated, or live with a border and backdrop around
 * all your shaped windows (oclock, xeyes)
 * If you normally use a shaped window (xeyes or oclock), you might as
 * well compile this extension in, since the memory cost is minimal in
 * this case (The shaped window shared libs will be loaded anyway). If you
 * don't normally use a shaped window, you have to decide for yourself.
 * Note: if it is compiled in, run time detection is used to make sure that
 * the currently running X server supports it.
 * Enables the ActiveDown button state. This allows different button
 * styles for pressed down buttons on active windows (also for the
 * title-bar if EXTENDED_TITLESTYLE is enabled below). The man page
 * refers to this button state as "ActiveDown." If not defined, the
 * "ActiveUp" state is used instead. Disabling this reduces memory
 * usage.
 * Enables the Inactive button state. This allows different button
 * styles for inactive windows (also for the title-bar if
 * EXTENDED_TITLESTYLE is enabled below). The man page refers to this
 * button state as "Inactive." If not defined, the "ActiveUp" state
 * is used instead. Disabling this reduces memory usage.
 * Enables the "MiniIcon" Style option to specify a small pixmap which
 * can be used as one of the title-bar buttons, shown in window list,
 * utilized by modules, etc. Requires PIXMAP_BUTTONS to be defined
 * (see below).
 * Enables the vector button style. This button type is considered
 * "standard," so it is recommended that you leave it in.
 * Enables the pixmap button style. You must have Xpm support to use
 * color pixmaps. See the man page button style entries for "Pixmap"
 * and "TiledPixmap" for usage information.
 * Enables the gradient button style. See the man page button style
 * entries for "HGradient" and "VGradient" for usage information.
 * Enables stacked button styles (also for the title-bar if
 * EXTENDED_TITLESTYLE is enabled below). There is a slight memory
 * penalty for each additional style. See the man page entries for
 * AddButtonStyle and AddTitleStyle for usage information.
 * Enables styled title-bars (specified with the TitleStyle command in
 * a similar fashion to the ButtonStyle command). It also compiles in
 * support to change the title-bar height.
 * Enables the BorderStyle command. Not all button styles are
 * available. See the man page entry for BorderStyle for usage
 * information. If you are also using PIXMAP_BUTTONS, you can also
 * texture your borders with tiled pixmaps. The BorderStyle command
 * has Active and Inactive states, regardless of the -DACTIVEDOWN_BTNS
 * and -DINACTIVE_BTNS defines.
 * Enables tagged general decoration styles which can be assigned to
 * windows using the UseDecor Style option, or dynamically updated
 * with ChangeDecor. To create and destroy "decor" definitions, see
 * the man page entries for AddToDecor and DestroyDecor. There is a
 * slight memory penalty for each additionally defined decor.
 * Enables the WindowShade function. This function "rolls" the window
 * up so only the title-bar remains. See the man page entry for
 * "WindowShade" for more information.

** note - not all build environments like the '+=' useage below, so if you
** want to use it, change the following #if 0 to #if 1

#if 0

/* the works: */


/* the works, not using '+=': */


/* Or if you prefer a more minimal setup, you could try something like: */

 * The following section only needs to be changed if you do not want
 * Imake's default behaviour.
 * Uncomment and edit to suit your requirements.

/* Where do you want the fvwm binaries installed. */
/* #define FvwmBinDir /usr/local/X11R6/bin */
#define FvwmBinDir /bhars540/home1/ccttools/bin/fvwm-2.0.45/bin

/* Where do you want the fvwm modules installed. */
/* #define FvwmDir /usr/local/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2 */
#define FvwmDir /bhars540/home1/ccttools/bin/fvwm-2.0.45/lib

/* Where do you want the fvwm libraries installed. */
/* #define FvwmLibDir /usr/local/X11R6/lib */
#define FvwmLibDir /bhars540/home1/ccttools/bin/fvwm-2.0.45/lib

/* Where do you want the fvwm man pages installed. */
/* #define FvwmManPath /usr/local/X11R6/man */
#define FvwmManPath /bhars540/home1/ccttools/bin/fvwm-2.0.45/man

/* #define FvwmManSuffix 1 */

   End of user configuration items. You shouldn't need to edit below here.

** FvwmName is the name of the module
** FvwmRc is the name of the rc file to read by default

#ifdef RenameFVWM2
#define FvwmName fvwm2
#define FvwmRc .fvwm2rc
#define FvwmName fvwm
#define FvwmRc .fvwmrc
#endif /* RenameFVWM2 */

#ifndef HasXpm
#define HasXpm NO
#ifndef HasRPlay
#define HasRPlay NO
#ifndef InstallLibs
#define InstallLibs NO
#ifndef InstallUtils
#define InstallUtils NO
#ifndef InstallSample
#define InstallSample NO
#ifndef XpmIncs
#define XpmIncs /* as nothing */
#ifndef XpmLibs
#define XpmLibs /* as nothing */
#ifndef AudioIncs
#define AudioIncs /* as nothing */
#ifndef AudioLibs
#define AudioLibs /* as nothing */

#if HasXpm
  XPM_LIBRARIES = XpmLibs -lXpm

#if HasRPlay
  AUDIO_LIBRARIES = AudioLibs -lrplay

#ifdef FvwmCompiler
        CC = FvwmCompiler
#ifdef FvwmCompilerFlags
XCOMM CFLAGS = FvwmCompilerFlags
XCOMM CCOPTIONS = FvwmCompilerFlags /* should I have another var for this? */
        CDEBUGFLAGS = FvwmCompilerFlags

#ifdef FvwmBinDir
        FVWMBINDIR = FvwmBinDir

#ifdef FvwmLibDir
        FVWMLIBDIR = FvwmLibDir

#ifdef FvwmManPath
        MANPATH = FvwmManPath

#ifdef FvwmManSuffix
        MANSUFFIX = FvwmManSuffix

#ifdef FvwmDir
        FVWMDIR = FvwmDir
        FVWMDIR = $(LIBDIR)/FvwmName

#ifndef FvwmIconPath
#define FvwmIconPath $(INCDIR)/bitmaps\:$(INCDIR)/pixmaps

   ICONPATH = FvwmIconPath
     FVWMRC = FvwmRc
        LIB = FvwmName

/* take care of libs not correctly added by Imake on some systems */
/* #ifdef AlphaArchitecture */
#if defined(AlphaArchitecture) && !defined(linux)
KLUDGE_LIBS = -ldnet_stub
#ifdef HPArchitecture
#ifdef i386SVR4Architecture
KLUDGE_LIBS = -lnsl -lsocket
#else /* all other systems shouldn't need anything */
#endif /* i386SVR4Architecture */
#endif /* HPArchitecture */
#endif /* AlphaArchitecture */


   INCLUDES = -I/bhars540/home1/ccttools/bin/fvwm-2.0.45/ginclude -I/usr/openwin/include $(XPM_INCLUDES) $(AUDIO_INCLUDES) -I. -I$(FVWM_SRCDIR)/libs


 * Special rules for Fvwm

#ifndef InstallNamedNonExec
#define InstallNamedNonExec(what,as,where) InstallNonExec(what,where/as)
#endif /* InstallNamedNonExec() */

#ifndef InstallNonExecFile()
#define InstallNonExecFile(file,dest) InstallNonExec(file,dest)
#endif /* InstallNonExecFile() */

#ifndef NullMake
#define NullMake() _at_@\
all:: _at_@\
        _at_echo "make in $(CURRENT_DIR) done"
#endif /* NullMake */

#ifndef InstallExecTarget
#define InstallExecTarget(file,destdir) _at_@\
install:: file _at_@\
        $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTBINFLAGS) file $(DESTDIR)destdir
#endif /* InstallExecTarget */

 * FvwmModuleTarget - generate rules for compiling and linking the
 * program specified by $(OBJS) and $(SRCS), installing the program and its
 * man page, and generating dependencies. It should only be used in
 * Imakefiles that describe a single program.
#ifndef FvwmModuleTarget
#define FvwmModuleTarget(program) _at_@\
        PROGRAM = program _at_@\
AllTarget(program) _at_@\
program: $(OBJS) $(DEPLIBS) _at_@\
        RemoveTargetProgram($_at_) @@\
InstallProgram(program,$(FVWMDIR)) _at_@\
InstallManPage(program,$(MANDIR)) _at_@\
DependTarget() _at_@\
LintTarget() _at_@\
clean:: _at_@\
        $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
#endif /* FvwmModuleTarget */

 * FvwmProgramTarget - generate rules for compiling and linking the
 * program specified by $(OBJS) and $(SRCS), installing the program and its
 * man page, and generating dependencies. It should only be used in
 * Imakefiles that describe a single program.
#ifndef FvwmProgramTarget
#define FvwmProgramTarget(program) _at_@\
        PROGRAM = program _at_@\
AllTarget(program) _at_@\
program: $(OBJS) $(DEPLIBS) _at_@\
        RemoveTargetProgram($_at_) @@\
InstallProgram(program,$(FVWMBINDIR)) _at_@\
InstallManPage(program,$(MANDIR)) _at_@\
DependTarget() _at_@\
LintTarget() _at_@\
clean:: _at_@\
        $(RM) $(PROGRAM)
#endif /* FvwmProgramTarget */

#if ProjectX > 5

#ifndef FvwmCplusplusProgramTargetHelper
#if defined(i386BsdArchitecture) && defined(i386Bsdi)
        C++FLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS)
#define FvwmCplusplusProgramTargetHelper(program,srcs,objs,deplib,locallib,syslib) _at_@\
ProgramTargetName(program): $(objs) $(deplib) _at_@\
        RemoveTargetProgram($_at_) @@\
        CplusplusLinkRule($_at_,$(CXXLDOPTIONS),$(objs),locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) @@\
CenterProgramTarget(program,$(srcs),$(objs),locallib,syslib) _at_@\
SentinelCplusplusProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) _at_@\
PurifyCplusplusProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) _at_@\
ProofCplusplusProgramTarget(program,$(objs) $(deplib),$(objs) locallib $(LDLIBS) syslib) _at_@\
InstallProgram(program,$(FVWMDIR)) _at_@\
#endif /* FvwmCplusplusProgramTargetHelper */

#ifndef FvwmComplexCplusplusProgramTarget
#define FvwmComplexCplusplusProgramTarget(program) _at_@\
        PROGRAM = program _at_@\
AllTarget(program) _at_@\
FvwmCplusplusProgramTargetHelper(program,SRCS,OBJS,DEPLIBS,$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),NullParameter) _at_@\
DependTarget() _at_@\
LintTarget() _at_@\
clean:: _at_@\
#endif /* FvwmComplexCplusplusProgramTarget */

#endif /* ProjectX > 5 */

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Received on Wed Jul 09 1997 - 21:43:36 BST

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