From: Richard A. Guay <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 10:24:58 +0000

On 6 Jul 97 at 11:31, Michael Tankenson <Michael Tankenson
<>> wrote:
> As if the FVWM developers needed it, I would just like to chime in and say
> from a users perspective, FVWM is the finest window manager I have ever
> used, and I would like to thank Rob Nation, Chuck Hines, and the entire
> FVWM 'development' community for creating this great software.
> The Mars Pathfinder project here at JPL has been using fvwm 2.0.43 for over
> a year with *no* problems whatsoever. We are using FVWM in both
> development and operations, and have it deployed on 50+ workstations. We
> have configured FvwmButtons so that our Mission Controllers can do their
> job in the most effective way.
> The code may not be elegant, and may even need some redesign, but it works
> for us.

I would also like to sound my support for Fvwm 2.0.45. I have been
using it here at ASIC International since Fvwm 2.0.33 and have loved
it. It is MUCH beter to olvwm and not as color space hungry as the
other window managers that everyone else is praising (we only run on
Sparc Stations with 8-bit graphics here).

To those who only complain, why don't you help in cleaning it up
instead of begroaning it! If you are so dissaticfied, then leave!
You do not have to try to get everyone else mad about fvwm. That
only causes people not to try to work with it and fix it up. If you
refuse to be helpful, then just be quite!

Richard A. Guay
Network Administrator and ASIC Design Engineer
ASIC International Inc.
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Received on Mon Jul 07 1997 - 09:23:00 BST

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