Re: FVWM: taskbar in fvwm2

From: Larry Gensch <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:07:52 -0400 (EDT)

On 25 Jun, Tom Wike wrote:

> I would like to use a taskbar in fvwm2 but without the fvwm95
> decorations - is there one out there that can be used for fvwm2?
> Thanks.

FvwmButtons, combined with FvwmIconMan, makes a GREAT task bar. Here
are the relevant parts of my configuration files. Please note that
this is hardcoded to my screen size of 1280x1024 -- make changes where

*** configuration items ***
Style "FvwmButtons" BorderWidth 1, WindowListHit, StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmButtons" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListHit
Style "FvwmIconMan" Title, Sticky, WindowListHit

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIconMan

*FvwmIconMan*nummanagers 1
*FvwmIconMan*background #c0c0c0
*FvwmIconMan*foreground black
*FvwmIconMan*drawicons true
*FvwmIconMan*font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmIconMan*format "%t"
*FvwmIconMan*buttongeometry 1024x24
*FvwmIconMan*managergeometry 1x1
*FvwmIconMan*drawicons true
*FvwmIconMan*resolution global
*FvwmIconMan*followfocus true
*FvwmIconMan*focusbutton down black #c0c0c0
*FvwmIconMan*focusandselectbutton down black #e0e0e0
*FvwmIconMan*selectbutton up black #e0e0e0
*FvwmIconMan*dontshow class=FvwmButtons resource=FvwmPager

*FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 1 N sendcommand Focus, sendcommand "Iconify -1"
*FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 2 N sendcommand "Iconify 1"
*FvwmIconMan*action Mouse 3 N sendcommand "Iconify"

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmButtons

*FvwmButtonsFore Black
*FvwmButtonsBack #c0c0c0
*FvwmButtonsFont -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-70-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmButtonsGeometry -1-1
*FvwmButtonsRows 1

# FvwmButtons as Task Bar:

*FvwmButtons(2x1, NoSize, Padding 1 1, Container(Rows 1, Frame 0))
*FvwmButtons(NoSize, Icon mini-exp.xpm, Title(Side) Start, \
    Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*, Frame 2, \
    Action 'Menu Utilities Nop')

*FvwmButtons(32x1, Size 1024 26, Frame 0, Padding 0 0, \
    Swallow "FvwmIconMan" "FvwmIconMan")

*FvwmButtons(6x1, Size 192 22, Frame 1, Container(Rows 1, Frame 0))
    *FvwmButtons(NoSize, Icon mini-lock.xpm, \
        Action (Mouse 1) 'Exec xlock random -duration 600 &', \
        Action 'Menu LockMenu Nop')
    *FvwmButtons(NoSize, Icon mini-nscape.xpm, \
        Action (Mouse 1) 'warp-or-run "Netscape" Exec netscape &', \
        Action 'Exec $HOME/scripts/ &')
    *FvwmButtons(NoSize, Icon mini-printer.xpm, \
        Action (Mouse 1) 'Exec &', \
        Action 'Menu PrintMenu Nop')
    *FvwmButtons(NoSize, Icon mini-clipboard.xpm, \
        Action 'warp-or-run "xclipboard" Exec xclipboard &')
    *FvwmButtons(NoSize, Icon mini-turn.xpm, \
        Action (Mouse 1) 'Restart fvwm2', \
        Action (Mouse 2) 'Menu EditMenu Nop', \
        Action (Mouse 3) 'warp-or-run fvwmrc edit-fvwm2rc')
    *FvwmButtons(NoSize, Icon mini-stop.xpm, \
        Action 'Module FvwmForm QuitVerify')
    *FvwmButtons(3x1, NoSize, Swallow '' 'Exec $HOME/scripts/ &')

*** end of configuration ***

The tricky part is the three-part FvwmButtons configuration. The
first part is the Start Menu. The second part is the IconMan task
bar. The third part is a "system tray" that launches some desired

If you understand Fvwm configuration, you should be able to figure out
what my various menus, functions, and programs do.

(void) lar3ry();                            
     "Sometimes it happens.  People just explode.  Natural causes."
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