Re: FVWM: passing mouse clicks through to apps

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 25 Jun 1997 09:55:31 +0200

>>>>> Zachariah Baum writes:

  Zachariah> I want to have something like this in my .fvwm2rc:
  Zachariah> Mouse 1 WTSF A Raise
  Zachariah> except for the obvious problem that when I have this and
  Zachariah> I click on the window, it is indeed raised, but I can't
  Zachariah> click on buttons/links/whatever that's in Zachariah>
  Zachariah> the window.

Fvwm 2.0.45 has an option for this:

    GlobalOpts MouseFocusClickRaises

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