FVWM: New FvwmIconMan

From: Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: 07 Jun 1997 11:45:18 -0700

Version 0.9.9 of FvwmIconMan is out.

Changes since 0.9.8:
        Fixed bug where manager window wouldn't get
                properly cleared when it became empty.
        Changed function lookup to use bsearch
        Added 'label <string>' function, to provide named
                labels to jump to with bif, bifn and jmp.
        Altered get_current_man to always return the manager
                if there is only one.

Major thanks to Adam Rice (wysiwyg_at_glympton.airtime.co.uk) for adding the
label function so that we don't have to compute those relative offsets like we
did when we were kids pecking in assembly code into our primitive boxes.

As always, the you can get this from:


For those who haven't been keeping up, here are the changes between 0.9 (the
version with fvwm 2.0.45) and 0.9.8:

4/19/97 Version 0.9.8:
                        Changed hash table size to 257.
                        Fixed bug where followfocus was ignored.
                        Hopefully fixed bug where some buttons wouldn't get
                                drawn when window shape changed.
                        MiniIcons should work on mono displays.
3/9/97 Version 0.9.7a:
                        maximum width changed from 1000 to screen width.

2/11/97 Version 0.9.7:
                        When FvwmIconMan was started without a managergeometry
                        string, it would have an "Internal Error."
                        Added titlebutton option.
                        Added raisededge and sunkedge button styles.
                        Manager no longer unmaps when empty, drawing the
                                titlebutton instead.
                        Added builtin function "warp"

2/10/97 Version 0.9.6:
                        Added call to XSync() after setting window shape,
                                otherwise, will get blank regions on next

2/7/97 Version 0.9.5:
                        Fixed bug which caused buttons to change size
                                when switching pages under high load.

2/6/97 Version 0.9.4:
                        Added new action functions: bif, bifn, jmp, ret, print
                                so now you can have simple if statements
                        Fixed bug which caused manager to appear in surprising
                                places when moving from one page to another.

2/5/97 Version 0.9.3
                        Fixed bug where if a window moves from one manager
                                to another (which can happen while FvwmIconMan
                                is receiving the window list from fvwm), it
                                can end up using the format string of the
                                wrong manager.
                        Fixed bug where if a window's name changes and
                                that causes it to be removed from manager,
                                it core dumps.
                        Fixed bug which could cause FvwmIconMan to deadlock.
                        Fixed window gravity bug which would cause corrupted
                                window contents for managers which grow upward
                                or leftward.
                        other minor bugs.

2/4/97 Version 0.9.2:
                        Silly me, I forgot that realloc (NULL, ...) isn't

2/3/97 Version 0.9.1:
                        rewrote almost all of the X code.
                        can have multiple columns now.
                        use shape extension if configured to.
                        added shape option.
                        added ButtonGeometry option.
                        renamed Geometry option to ManGeometry, which works
                                in units of buttons, not pixels.
                        junked the old actions and redid all that.

 Brady Montz
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