Re: FVWM: another ICON problem

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 15:58:28 -0500

Abinash Yadav <> writes:
> Hi,
> i am using FVWM 2.3.25
> when i click on minimize button of netscape, the
> minimized icon is put with half blue and half white
> background.
> and my fvwm background is also white(this gif i put
> delibratly).
> now i want to change this netscape icon background
> combination to some other (may be blue and grey).
> but don't know how to set it and where to set it.

The icon you see is built into Netscape.
Half the background is blue, the other half is transparent.

> even i couldn't figure out from where this icon image
> is being picked up, and how(which resource file) did
> it get instruction to invoking that particular file.

My copy of Netscape has a file where it assigns
names to its icons, but I don't see the actual icons anywhere,
I think they are actually built in.

> i found few netscape.xpm files, but on opening those
> using xv, images are coming correct, i mean the way i
> want(blue and grey background).

Note that xv shows the transparency as gray, this can be

> i am not sure where does it need to change, some image
> or resource.

The latest betas will allow you to override the Netscape icon,

Style Netscape* icon myicon.xpm, IconOverride

if your version doesn't support that, try 2.3.28.

Dan Espen
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