FVWM: Thanks for the help and another few questions

From: Herve DEBAR <deb_at_zurich.ibm.com>
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 12:00:26 +0200

Hi everybody and thanks for your answers, I now have a working fvwm2

A few remaining problems :

I have FvwmIconMan running, swallowed by FvwmButtons, set to display
the icons in my page. When I start Fvwm, I load netscape in one of the
pages. When I start FrameMaker thereafter, it complains about colormap
allocation even though I have set ColormapFocus FollowsMouse. The
strange thing is that this makes all icons in FvwmIconMan disappear ?

When I restart Fvwm, I can't get my pager to be swallowed by
FvwmButtons, and I'm getting X errors BAdDrawable and BadWindow.

I am trying to have the name of the file being edited in Emacs show up
in the title bar. I have done a (setq frame-title-format '("%b")) in my
.emacsrc, which should do the trick, but doesn't. I have checked the
emacs documentation and it says something like "if window manager
supports it". Has somebody done that successfully with fvwm2 ?



Herve Debar
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
Saumerstrasse 4
CH-8803 Rueschlikon/Switzerland
Tel.  +41-1-724-84-99     Fax.   +41-1-710-36-08
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Received on Fri May 30 1997 - 05:01:16 BST

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