Re: FVWM: Re-Place function

From: Larry Gensch <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 08:03:22 -0400 (EDT)

On 23 May, Jakob Schiotz wrote:

> A while ago somebody on this list discussed a kind of "Re-Place"
> function. It should unmap a window and then place it a new place
> using the CleverPlacement algorithm. Was it ever written, and if yes,
> is it a patch or can it be done within the .fvwm2rc?

The function was written (not by me), and the patch was made to 2.0.44,
I believe.

When 2.0.45 came out WITHOUT the Replace function, I made the change
to 2.0.45, using the 2.0.44 patch as a road-map (it was actually very
easy to add).

However, I distinctly got the impression that Chuck didn't want to add
this function to fvwm, and I was told that the patch interfered with
other people's patches (ones that add new functions to fvwm). So, I
reluctantly gave up on the patch, and it no longer is in my running
version of fvwm2.0.45.

Despite all this, I miss having the function.

(void) lar3ry();                            
     "Sometimes it happens.  People just explode.  Natural causes."
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Received on Fri May 23 1997 - 07:08:59 BST

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