Re: FVWM: FvwmButtons question

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 23 May 1997 09:32:31 +0200

>>>>> Tim J Ethen writes:

  Tim> The first thing I tried was to set up a style for the
  Tim> application (such as netscape) with NoIcon. This works great
  Tim> but I haven't been able to find a function for de-iconifying
  Tim> except through WindowList. WindowId looks like it might be the
  Tim> function I need but I'm not sure how to figure out the window
  Tim> id.

I use the following keybinding to go to my mail reading window.

| Key i A 4 Next [--Mail--] Function GoThere
| AddToFunc GoThere "I" Iconify -1
| + "I" WarpToWindow 50 50
| + "I" Focus

I'm pretty sure this can be adapted to work with buttons and Netscape.

You might also want to try FvwmIconMan which is somewhat like
FvwmWinList but groks MiniIcons, too, and is in general much cooler
than FvwmWinList.

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