FVWM: fvwm95 to fvwm2.0.4 standard

From: Brian Summerfiels <bsummerfield_at_csupomona.edu>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 13:11:37 -0700

I would first like to thank the people who created fvwm and the
contributors to its ongoing development as well as the people who answer
questions from people like me.
     I installed RedHat Linux version 4.1 Vanderbilt Kernal 2.0. It
installed great, I then set the XF86Config file and started fvwm95. It
worked great, however, one of the reasons I installed Linux was to get
away from Win95. So I down loaded and installed fvwm2.0.45 I then went
to go change my .fvwmrc file to load fvwm2, however it was already set
to load fvwm and was loading fvwm95. I chnaged it to fvwm2 and when I
type startx fvwm95 loads. What I need to know is how to get fvwm to
load and not fvwm95. As I am sure you can tell from my letter this is
my first shot at Linux and X Windows so any help would be greatly

Brian Summerfield
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Received on Wed May 21 1997 - 15:08:10 BST

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