Re: FVWM: FvwmXse Module

From: Richard A. Guay <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 10:49:35 +0000

On 13 May 97 at 15:09, Choksing Taweponsomkiat <Choksing
Taweponsomkiat <>> wrote:

> I would love to test it, but can you briefly tell me what it does?
> Thanks,
The man page for the program explains all of the details. Briefly,
this program allows you to send ANY X Windows events to any window in
the system. An example of it's use is to load the module upon
initialization of fvwm (see for details), then have this in
your fvwm2rc file:

Mouse 2 4 A SendToModule FvwmXse $w <key>l <key>s <key>Return

Then when you click the second mouse button on the 4th title bar
button, the window will recieve an X Windows event that says the
keyboard sent "ls<Return>" to that window. Fvwm puts the window ID in
place of the "$w". You could also specify ClickWindow to send to the
next window the 1 mouse button is clicked on, PointerWindow to send to
the window that the pointer is over, InputFocus to send the the window
that has keyboard focus, or you can specify the windows name. When
the window name is given, the program does a search for that name
which is somewhat slow.

I hope this helps clearify what the module does.

Richard A. Guay
Network Administrator and ASIC Design Engineer
ASIC International Inc.
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Received on Wed May 14 1997 - 09:48:59 BST

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