(no subject)

From: Hailin Yan <hailin_at_htc.com>
Date: Mon, 12 May 97 11:39:04 CDT


We have some X/Motif application running on fvwm window manager
environment. There is a menu item in it, which pops up a window.
Usually, it's popped up at the position where that menu item is
selected. However, if that menu item lies close to the boundary
of the screen, the pop-up window will be popped up part off the
screen(or pager).

If this application is run on mwm, no matter where the menu item is,
the pop-up window will always be forced in the current screen.
Is there any way we can achieve the same result as mwm?
Environment: fvwm2.045 with X11R5 and Motif 1.2.4 on SunOS 4.1.4.

If you know how to make fvwm1.* work, please let me know also.

Thanks for your help!


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Received on Mon May 12 1997 - 11:40:28 BST

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